宛如偶像剧中走出来的女主角, 优雅温柔,落落大方, 极具都市风的时尚感背景画面, 气球,公主裙,跑车鲜花, 为女孩编织一场盛大的成长仪式, 一袭天蓝色公主纱裙,裙摆微漾, 撑起所有的温柔与美好, 透过镜头定格下的每一个表情里, 都是充满故事感的画面与仪式感, 这组非常具有纪念意义的主题写真, 宝妈妈一定要给女鹅安排上。
Funnydocin family photo photography, founded in 2006. It mainly provides photography services such as children's photography, family photo photography, baby feast, double image recording, global parent-child travel photography, and neonatal door-to-door photography.
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